Sometimes life gets away from me…a lot. Last year was one of those years that for awhile it seemed like I was just hanging on. I had some major knee, ankle, and foot problems that required many trips to the doctor, physical therapy, stem cell enhancement, and a foot surgery. Added to this were some other personal issues that took a bit of a toll on me. It all “kinda sucked”, but through the grace of God, my own personal resiliency (an area I love to help clients develop), and the love and support of my husband and close friends, I’ve come into 2018 much stronger and wiser.
I tell you this because we all go through crap (that’s a technical term) in our lives that overwhelms us, and when we’re going through it, seems like we’ll never get out the other side. But what I’ve learned is to take the attitude that all this is temporary and the greatest thing I have control over is whether I allow, or not allow, the stuff life throws at me to control me. I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to be a survivor. I like the survivor choice so much better.