This struck me this morning from both a professional level and a personal level. When we go through difficult times and we hear someone tell us that we have to let go whatever it is we’re holding on to, that advice or urging can seem rather simplistic. And sometimes it can seem very frightening. That “thing” we’re holding on to may be bad for us, but yet it’s our thing. The thought is that it’s better to hold on to something that’s not good for us, then to let it go and face an uncertain life without it. I get that. Fear is a powerful motivator for good and bad.
What I’ve discovered in my life is when I’ve been able to let go of whatever burden, negativity, hurt or just crap in my life, God replaces that with something else good. Or sometimes that something else good was always there. I just couldn’t see it.
If this is your struggle, give me a call and let’s talk. I can help. 720-707-9119